It is known that the belt drive is a gas distributing engine engine consisting of a toothed crankshaft and camshaft pulley and a tensioner roller on which a toothed actuating strap is stretched.
The disadvantage of such a gas-distributing engine mechanism is that during the operation the belt’s teeth are intensively rubbed due to friction on the gear surfaces of the gear pulleys and the strap is inoperative, requiring replacement. In addition, the tensioner rolls the strap to the side opposite to the bend of the belt on the toothed pulleys, which also leads to its faster destruction. Taking into account the massive use of the belt drive motors in the gas distributing mechanism, the problem of increasing the service life of the belt drive of the engine’s torque converter, as well as noise reduction during operation, remains relevant.
The transmission of mechanical energy in the belt transmission is carried out with the help of a flexible element - a drive belt. The transmission works by friction forces (flat and wedge transmission) and clutch (gear belt gear). The advantages of the belt transmission are: smooth operation, noiselessness, smoothing of engine pulsation, compensation of inaccuracy of the gear unit pulley, low cost, ease of installation, no need for lubrication. The transmission can operate at high circumferential speeds and transmit significant power. In addition, when the transmission failure, other elements of the design are not damaged.
The disadvantages include the following indicators: large transmission dimensions, low carrying capacity, short life, slip belt.
Compared to gear transmission, the advantages are: the transfer of motion between the shafts, which are at a great distance, preventing a sharp overload of the machine elements, smoothness and quietness of work, simplicity of design and maintenance. Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of performing small-sized gears, the variability of the transmission number, the increased load on the shaft. In addition, one can note the low durability of transmission belts.
Proposed toothed drive belt to perform in a strip Mobius and tension roller to perform as a pulley gear installed on the inside of the belt. This will increase the number of teeth on the gear belts twice without changing the length of the belt and move the teeth to provide natyahnuvannya belt without damaging teeth and reduce the angle of bending of the belt during operation. Belt drive engine gas distribution mechanism works as follows. During the rotation of the crankshaft pulley his gear engages with teeth of a gear drive belt and begins to pull. At the same tine toothed drive belt engages with teeth toothed pulley camshaft, which also starts to rotate. Because the toothed drive belt is designed as a strip Mobius, teeth are located on both sides of it, which increases the total number of teeth twice without changing the length of the belt and step teeth. Therefore, each tooth toothed drive belt engages with a toothed pulley crankshaft and camshaft and roller clamps twice less, which reduces its load and wiping. Tensioner roller mounted on the inside of the belt, the belt bending in the same direction as the pulleys. This solution reduces the angle of bend belt and extends its operation. Recommendations for calculating transmission.
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