Keywords: intelligent systems, navigation systems, navigation, decision-making support systems, decision-making methods, artificial intelligence, ship control, safety of navigation


The article is devoted to issues of development of decision-making support methods in the field of navigation and their practical application in intelligent navigation information systems (INIS). An analysis of the accident rate of modern world shipping over the past two decades was carried out, its dynamics were determined, and the main factors of the occurrence of accidents were clarified. It has been proven that the dominant share of accidents is due to the negative influence of the human factor on the processes of ship control, which, as a result, leads to collisions, groundings, as well as to the occurrence of dangerous situations on ships and failures in the operation of its systems. The types of errors caused by human influence on ship control processes are shown and possible ways to reduce their number are proposed. The role and place of INIS and decision-making support systems (DSS) in solving the problems of improving the quality and efficiency of ship and ship systems control processes with the aim of reducing the level of accidents have been determined. It has been proven that INIS have a significant potential in solving the problems of reducing the number of errors caused by the influence of human factor on processes of controlling ships and auxiliary systems, and, as a result, will contribute to reducing the number of accidents in world shipping. The growing role of modern information technologies, in particular the methods of artificial intelligence and intelligent data analysis, in the solved issues of improving the safety of modern shipping, increasing the level of its automation, is shown. The classification of decision-making methods in the field of shipping by classes of problems to be solved is proposed. Features of the practical application of each group of methods in INIS are determined, and promising ways of their further development are outlined. The general structure of INIS was developed, and the application of a four-stage cycle was proposed for the implementation of the decision-making process with the differentiated use of different groups of methods and sources of initial data at each of the stages. The priority ways and prospects for the further application of DSS and INIS in navigation, as well as their place and role in development of the industry of unmanned and autonomous sea vessels, have been determined.


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