The purpose of the research is to increase the accuracy of control calculations, the efficiency of the control system and the safety of navigation in general, by using a mathematical model in the control system to determine the parameters of external influences in real time. The mathematical model of the vessel is an important element of the mathematical support of the control system, the use of which allows to significantly improve the quality of the control system. Mathematical models are used to predict the movement of the control object, monitor the parameters of the state vector of the control object that are inaccessible to direct measurement, including in noise, determine the failures of command and executive devices, solve optimization problems, etc. In the work, integral functions for determining the resulting lateral force, the resulting yaw torque and the arm of the resulting lateral force, depending on the angle of attack of the flow and the shape of the hull contours, are obtained. The values of integral functions for simple hull contours are calculated. Compared with known approaches to determining the hydrodynamic and aerodynamic interaction of the ship's hull with the environment, the obtained results allow: in comparison with simple models, to estimate external forces and yaw torque much more accurately; in comparison with complex models, to carry out their estimation in real-time control systems. The obtained results are explained by finding and using integral functions for determining the resultant lateral force, resultant yaw torque and resultant lateral force arm, which for simple hull shapes are reduced to analytical solutions. The results are reproducible and can be used in the mathematical support of automated/automatic control systems in real time.
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