The methodology and results of determining the residual life of turbochargers by non-destructive testing methods are presented. The system of technical condition diagnostics of materials of turbochargers on the basis of synthesis of results of acoustic interrelation and mechanical properties of materials and generalization of operation experience of turbochargers is developed. The boundary curve of the efficiency region of the turbocharger construction material in the coordinates of relative deformation up to fracture is obtained. The corresponding values of the residual resource are determined by measuring the density of acoustic emission signals and using limit curves. The condition of working capacity is the failure of the load trajectory outside the area of determining the state of performance of the structure. Using the presented dependences it is possible to define values of deformation characteristics of material according to AE of measurements. It is shown that the density of the acoustic emission signal when measuring the residual strain during tension and bending differ by an order of magnitude. This makes it possible to separate the low and high frequency components of the acoustic emission signal by means of frequency filtering and to determine the relative bending and tensile deformations on the basis of a single information signal. The scheme of placement of sensors of acoustic emission at control of a residual resource of bearings and shaft lines of turbochargers NR34 / S 102 of the main engine MAN B&W9L 32/40 is offered. High informativeness and accuracy of determining the residual life of materials based on the results of acoustic measurements allows to increase the level of identification of the state of materials. Non-contact electromagnetic-acoustic transducers or dry point contact transducers can be used to excite and receive acoustic waves. This allows the analysis and interpretation of data either directly on board or by transmitting data to a remote diagnostic center via radio. The obtained results can serve as a model representation of studying the properties and forecasting the residual life of structures.
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