
Keywords: epoxy matrix, destructive bending stresses, modulus of elasticity in bending, mathematical planning of the experiment, filler optimization, corrosion


Epoxy diane oligomer of ED-20 brand and polyethylene polyamine PEPA hardener were used for the formation of composite materials and protective coatings on their bases. The choice of dispersed fillers is due to the presence of active groups on their surface, a set of improved characteristics of the components, which is of scientific and practical interest in the use of additives for the formation of protective coatings. The optimal content of various additives in the epoxy binder ED-20 was determined by mathematical planning using the application package STATGRAPHICS® Centurion XVI. This allowed us to predict and obtain an epoxy coating with a set of improved properties. It was found that the composite material of the following composition are characterized by improved physical and mechanical properties: a mixture of discrete organic fibers – q = 0.025 wt%, anti-agglomerating additive hydropho biervnsmittel – q = 20 wt%. per 100 wt%. by weight oligomer ED-20 and 10 wt% firm PEPA. Such epoxy composite material are characterized by the following properties: destructive bending stres – σst = 92.6 MPa, flexural modulus – E = 5.6 GPa. Based on the mathematical planning of the experiment, the variants of coatings that were tested for corrosion resistance were determined. The analysis of changes in resistivity and specific capacity of coatings for 30 days under the influence of various aggressive media (sulfuric acid and river water) at a temperature of T = 293 ± 2 K. It is established that the composite material containing: epoxy oligomer ED-20 (100 wt%), CDOW (0.025 wt%), HDBS (20 wt%), hardener polyethylene polyamine PEPA (10 wt%) due to the formation of a diffusion barrier in the volume of the protective coating is characterized by the highest the value of resistivity and the lowest value of specific capacity in all aggressive environments. This indicates improved anti-corrosion properties of the coating. Visual analysis of defects, which was carried out in natural conditions under the influence of river water and variable temperatures in the range ΔT = (258… 298) ± 2 K for τ = 250 days allowed to confirm previous experimental studies and to determine coatings with improved anticorrosive properties. 


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