The article discusses the issue of ensuring the exchange rate stability of the car at the stage of assembly and the choice of the trajectory of the car along a flat track with the conditions for minimizing negative dynamic effects. Achievement of this goal is ensured by establishing the patterns of choosing the speed mode of movement and the rational trajectory of the vehicle and, accordingly, the law of changing the angle of rotation of the wheels depending on the parameters of the track, in particular, its curvature. The initial data for the developed model are the parameters of the route and its sections in accordance with the technical requirements for construction and remote sensing, according to which the running parameters of the curvature of the route and its stripes are determined.
The vehicle trajectory is specified as a parametric function of the path traveled by the rear wheels, taking into account the change in the angle of inclination of the wheels along the track, along which the trajectories of the wheels and the vehicle and their curvature are determined. Coordination of the curvatures of the track and the trajectory of movement made it possible to establish safe kinematic modes of movement of the car along a curved track.
Moving along a curved path leads to a redistribution of forces and moments acting on the car. They are balanced by the reactions on the four wheels, and the setting of the kinematic and dynamic driving modes allows further refinement of the dynamics of the vehicle as a whole using an iterative process. At subsequent iterations, the redistribution of forces to real wheels is clarified and from the bicycle model they pass to the model of four-wheeled vehicles with the specification of the kinematic and dynamic modes of vehicle movement.
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