
Keywords: safety of navigation, trajectory control, automated ship systems, ship handling, ship manoeuvring, dynamic parameters of vessel motion


The current research examines the complexities and solutions associated with the automation of maritime navigation, focusing on the improvement of automatic devices and systems for controlling the movement along a given trajectory. This paper offers a comprehensive review of contemporary mathematical models, functioning algorithms, and their implementation methodologies, assessing their impact on the effectiveness of trajectory control systems. The potential limitations of certain implementation methods and the corresponding necessity to reassess control laws or to find novel approaches for the parametric and structural identification of the ship handling process are emphasized. The purpose of the research is to refine the methods employed in trajectory-based ship control. The study presents mathematical correlations of motion along linear and curved trajectories and establishes the interconnections between the vessel’s route and the required dynamic parameters for maintaining the ship on its trajectory. The research provides a clear and concise framework that facilitates the comprehension and application of trajectory-based maritime control. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is confirmed through the simulation of the S-175 container ship’s movement, which not only enhances the value of the research but also lays a robust groundwork for prospective investigations in this field. Looking at future prospects in the field, the researchers plan to continue work in this direction, focusing on further improvement of ship trajectory control methods and studying new approaches to parametric and structural identification of the ship control process. They also plan to conduct further simulations to test the effectiveness of their algorithm and explore its potential applications in other areas of maritime shipping.


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